Subject: TRANSDOC: Automatic Transmission Author: Ron Widing Uploaded By: RonWiding Date: 7/7/1999 File: VTDA4LD.EXE (527268 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 409 Needs: MSDOS Keywords: Widing, Widco, Automobile, Car, Guide, Clutch, Shift, Troubleshooting, Auto Repair, Autoservice, Diagnosis, Engine Type: Shareware Demo This file is self-extracting and self-installing Version Date: 7/5/99 Uploaded by the author, this program is a self extracting file which produces a sample version of "TransDoc" which is a trouble shooting program for automatic transmissions in automobiles. The full version of "TransDoc" covers about 39 domestic transmissions, but this sample version includes the data for one trans. Ford's A4LD trans is included. The other transmissions covered by the full version are represented by their menu structures, flow charts, and electronic trouble codes if applicable. For imports "TransDoc" at this time includes only indexes to 2 sources of technical articles or bulletins. Even though this is an MS-DOS based program, it will work with any version of Windows. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: RonWiding To run, enter: TRANSDOC.EXE or run from its icon. Documentation: READ.TXT, CAR_OWNER.TXT, COVER.TXT, INSTALL.TXT Downloads from previous version: 476